Onamatoposter | Future Yard


International Gig Poster Exhibition

Future Walls Gallery Exhibition | 20.01.2023 – 19.03.2023

Launch Weekend | Friday 20th and Saturday 21st January

We’re incredibly excited to be working with Toucan Tango to bring an incredible exhibition of flatstock poster art to the walls of our Gallery space to kick off 2023. Printmakers and designers Toucan Tango are firmly embedded in this world, a global movement of artists whose love for music spills over into a rich world of gig poster design.

Onomatoposter exhibition Future Yard

We’ll be exhibiting some fine examples of this work across January, February and March with an exhibition in our Future Walls gallery space, where you can come and feast your eyes on some of the finest screen print show artwork from across the world. All prints will be available to purchase, and many are rare or limited edition prints. There will also be a special piece of print deigned for this show.


The opening weekend of the ONOMATOPOSTER exhibition will feature two days of activity to launch the show, with a massive fair, live screen printing, conversations, a pizza pop-up from Dough Bros and live music.

On Friday 20th January we’re holding a launch party with a preview of the exhibition from 6pm. Toucan Tango will be joining us for an In Conversation chat, talking about the international world of artists that they’ve been immersed in for the past 5 or 6 years. We’ve also got a pop-up pizza station from Dough Bros, and you can come and get hands-on with some live screen printing workshops. There will also be a show in the Live Room to round off the party, featuring Coughin Vicars, Tits Up, ZTIF! and Anna Jane Houghton playing live. All this for FREE! Not a bad way to kick off this internationally significant event.

On Saturday 21st January we host a headline show with The Orielles in the evening (ticketed), following a daytime print fair and market where you can come and feast your eyes on a whole lot more gig posters and prints. The daytime market will be free entry (12pm-5pm), and will be followed by The Orielles playing live, supported by Terry Venomous and Memori (doors 8pm, tickets £15).