NNMC Winter Enrolment January 2025
Please fill this form out to enrol your child on to Future Yard’s New Noise Music Centre.
Your point of contact at Future Yard for New Noise Music Centre is Faye Larty. If you have any issues filling this form out, please drop her an email on faye@futureyard.org. Faye will also be co-ordinating our New Noise sessions every Saturday with our tutor team, so any issues or concerns you can speak to her in person if preferred.
This term of NNMC is 10 weeks long, however please note that there will be no showcase at the end of this term to allow more time to explore exciting workshops and to allow more time for progression. Here are the dates for the first term:
18th January
25th January
1st February
8th February
1st March
8th March
15th March
22nd March
29th March
5th April
Attendance is important at New Noise as the sessions are predominantly group based which is planned pre-session, so if your child is ever absent could you please let Faye know as soon as possible via faye@futureyard.org. If there are any sessions that you know your child won’t be able to attend this term please note them on the relevant section of the form below.
There is a £65 fee per term per child, with exemptions for low income families. We appreciate that circumstances often change for families, so if you do have any barriers to paying the fee, please let us know and we will try our best to accommodate.